Dr. phil. Engelbert Winkler
Clinical psychologist, psychologist for health, Psychotherapist
Expert in depression and anxiety
Traffic psychologist, supervisor, sworn expert
until 1989
university studies in philosophy, pedagogics and psychologie, Innsbruck.
Further certified educations in logotherapy, existential analysis, hypnotherapy
since 1994
Founding and since then management of the praxis „Cooperative Family Consulting“, an outpatient and inpatient specialist facility of the Tyrolean youth welfare organization with a focus on the care and treatment of children and young people with severe behavioral problems. Development and provision of an assisted living project for young people who can no longer be held in any other facility (XXL project of the cooperative family consulting for the accommodation and care of up to eight young people between the ages of 14 and 18 in their own apartments).
Exploratory focus
Neuronal basis and effects of near-death experience
Development of new psychotherapeutical interventional methods
for systemic and individual use – among other things: Hypnagogic Light ExperienceDeveloping and optimizing a light-source called Lucia N°03
Das Abendländische Totenbuch, 1996, Hamburg, ISBN 3-928084-22-4
Leben, Sinn und Wirklichkeiten, 2000, Hamburg, ISBN 3-928084-80-1
Begegnung mit dem Lebendigen Licht, 2001, Güllesheim, ISBN
Das schnelle Buch für Eltern schwieriger (interessanter) Kinder und Jugendlicher,2006, Innsbruck, ISBN 3-85093-201-X
Erleuchtung im Augenblick des Todes, 2007, Norderstedt, ISBN 978-3-8334-6707-3
Lucia N°03 Hypnagoge Lichterfahrung & Neuroart, 2013, Innsbruck, ISBN 978-3-843-50090.6 (also available in English: Lucia N°03 Hypnagogic Light Experience and Neuro Art)
Streben nach Sein: Das Sonnenspiel – Die Entwicklung des Heliotropen Atmens für Therapie, Selbsterfahrung und Psychonautik, 2016, Innsbruck, ISBN 978-3-200-04843-0 (also available in English: The Pursuit of Being: The Sunlight Game. Development of heliotropic breathing for therapy, self-awareness, and psychonautics)
Various specialist articles e.g. in the Journal of Near-Death Studies and guest articles in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, among others
Meta-Beratung und Meta-Therapie, Vorgehensweisen, grundlegende Gedanken und Reflexionen aus einer 30-jährigen Praxis, 2024, Innsbruck, ISBN 978-3-200-09747-6