Dipl.-Ing. sc. agr. Stefanie Goldscheider
www.schoko-seite.de, www.kokos-seite.de, www.bananen-seite.de
Professional Experience
2002 – present: Freelance journalist and author
2002: Founder of online magazine biothemen.de, covering nutrition, ecology, sustainability, and fair trade
2011: Launched blog blog.biothemen.de
2018: Published book "Speisepilze selbst anbauen" (BLV Verlag, Munich)
Created children's educational websites on sustainability topics, used in schools and cited by governmental agencies
2009/2010: Supported by the BMFSFJ and BKM for children’s project www.baumwoll-seite.de
2007-2008: Expert in SWR TV shows "Cooking with Vincent Klink" and "Kaffee oder Tee"
Commissioned by BMELV for presentation at the Green Week 2006 in Berlin
Numerous contributions to schoolbooks, magazines, and brochures
Lectures, especially on health topics
09/2019 – 03/2021: Project position (50%) at the Press and Information Office of the City of Karlsruhe, developing a new press portal
1999 – 2002: Employed as web designer, webmaster, and online editor at MCM Media Consult, Karlsruhe
1996 – 1999: Head of purchasing and quality assurance at Schnitzer OHG, Sankt Georgen in the Black Forest, focused on grains and seeds, advising on cultivation and organic control
1988: General university entrance qualification, Gymnasium Karlsbad
1988: Started studies in Agricultural Biology at the University of Hohenheim
1988 and 1992: Agricultural internships
1989: Changed to General Agricultural Sciences
1991: Preliminary diploma, University of Hohenheim
1994: Study stay for diploma thesis in Israel, supported by the Father & Son Eiselen Foundation, Ulm
1995: Main diploma in Agricultural Engineering, Dipl.-Ing. sc. agr.
1996: Research stay at the Jacob Blaustein Institute, Sede Boker, Israel