Alexis Kaiser
Alexis Kaiser grew up in France and graduated in international business law at the Sorbonne University in 1998 before studying economics at the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland) in 1998. After working as a legal counsel in London, Lausanne and Moscow, he worked for 12 years in Zurich as a business lawyer specializing on the structuring of assets and the regulations of investments funds. He regulatory advises clients on cross-borders transactions and the structuring of international assets.
In 2013 he discovered the essential role of fungi in the ecosystem of the Amazon rainforest during a trip in Brazil and become curious about their medicinal properties. After using Cordyceps Sinensis, a medicinal mushroom native to Tibet he became passionate about medicinal mushrooms and their therapeutic use. He regularly holds conferences and talks on the topic of mushrooms. Through his inveolvement with Mycoverse he intends to help reforming EU regulations applicable to medicinal mushrooms (“novel Food) and to create standards and norms of productions for mushrooms supplements sold in Europe.
Alexis works to promote the therapeutic use of mushrooms and knowledge about their incredible properties both for health or for industrial applications. In 2022, he co-founded with Mark Stuettler the Mycoverse Foundation in Liechtenstein to help bringing knowledge about medicinal mushrooms to the general public. Alexis speaks fluently German, English, and French, his native language.